What Are Some Of The Ways That Animals Obtain Food? Select All That Apply.
Nutrition is the procedure of taking nutrient and using it for obtaining energy, growth and repair of the body Animals depend on other animals or plant for food. They either eat plants or animals or both to fulfil their nutritional needs.
Nutrition is the process of taking food and using it for obtaining energy, growth and repair of the trunk. Animals depend on other organisms for getting their food. They cannot make their own food, so they are heterotrophs. Animals Obtain their Food from Plants and other Animals Animals need readymade food and therefore they depend on either plants or other animals which they eat. For example, snake eats frogs, insects eat expressionless bodies of animals, birds eat worms and insects etc. Modes of Diet The method of obtaining food by an organism is called modes of nutrition. There are two modes of nutrition. They are: i) Autotrophic 2) Heterotrophic Heterotrophic Mode of Nutrition All the animals cannot make their own nutrient from simple inorganic material like carbon dioxide and h2o. They depend on other organisms for food. This is called heterotrophic fashion of nutrition. The organisms which depend on other organisms for nutrient are chosen heterotrophs. For example, human being, domestic dog, cat, deer, tiger, cow, non-green plants like yeast are all heterotrophs. They depend on plants or other organisms for their food. Types of Heterotrophic Nutrition There are three types of heterotrophic style of nutrition. They are: i) Saprotrophic nutrition ii) Parasitic diet iii) Holozoic diet Saprotrophic nutrition Sapro means rotten. In that location are organisms which feed on expressionless and decaying organic thing for obtaining their food. These organisms feed on rotting wood of expressionless and decaying trees, rotten leaves, dead animals, rotten bread etc. Such organisms are chosen saprophytes. Fungi and many bacteria are saprophytes. These saprophytes break down the complex organic thing from the dead and decaying organic matter into simpler substances exterior their torso. These simpler substances are then captivated past saprophytes. Parasitic Nutrition It is that mode of diet in which organisms feed on other living organisms, called their host, without killing them. The organisms which obtain food in a mode are called parasites. Parasites harm the host, which may be a institute or an brute. Parasites cause diseases to mankind, domestic animals, and crops. Fungi, leaner, a few plants similar cuscuta and some animals similar plasmodium and roundworms undergo parasitic fashion of diet. Holozoic Nutrition Holozoic is a mode of nutrition in which organisms eat solid food. The food may be a found product or animate being production. In this process, an organism ingests the complex organic nutrient material into its body and then digests the food which is and so absorbed into the torso cells. The unabsorbed food is thrown out of the torso of the organisms by the process of egestion. Man, cat, dog, bear, giraffe, fog, fish, etc., have holozoic way of nutrition. On the basis of food habits animals can be divided into three groups. They are: i) Herbivores ii) Carnivores iii) Omnivores Herbivores Herbivores are those animals which eat only plants like grass, leaves, fruits, bark etc. The examples of herbivorous animals are moo-cow, caprine animal, sheep, horse, camel, deer, etc. Carnivores Those animals which eat only other animals are called carnivores. They exercise not eat plants. Lion, tiger, frog, vulture, wolf, lizard, etc., are examples of carnivorous animals. Carnivores are meat eaters. Omnivores Those animals which eat both plants and mankind of other animals are chosen omnivores. Dog, crow, sparrow, bear, pismire, etc., are examples of omnivorous animals. This effigy shows how all living things depend on dominicus for their nutrient. Dissimilar Steps in the Process of Diet in Animals In that location are v steps in the process of diet in animals. They are: 1) Ingestion 2) Digestion 3) Absorption 4) Assimilation 5) Egestion Ingestion Ingestion ways eating food so as to get free energy and behave on the activities of life. Ingestion is the process of taking food into the body. Digestion Food that animals swallow consists of large insoluble molecule which cannot be absorbed by their body. And so the process which breaks downward these insoluble food molecules into small, h2o soluble molecules is chosen digestion. Animals use concrete and chemical methods for digestion. Concrete method means chewing and grinding food in mouth and chemical method means addition of digestive juices to food by the body. After digestion food tin can be utilised by the animal body. Absorption Later on the food molecules become small they pass through the walls of intestine and become in to blood. This process is chosen absorption. Absorption The absorbed food is now carried to all parts of the body and to each and every cell so every bit to produce energy and to make materials for the growth and repair of the body. This procedure is chosen assimilation. Egestion The process through which undigested food is moved out of the body is called egestion. In unicellular organisms the process of diet is performed by the unmarried cell simply. Image courtesy: world wide web.online-sciences.com
Source: https://www.jagranjosh.com/general-knowledge/mode-of-nutrition-in-animals-1458273102-1
Posted by: youngtwored.blogspot.com
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